Q: How to apply?
A: All application are received through https://admission.swu.ac.th/admissions2/apply_bachelor.php
Q: What is a minimum requirement for admission?
A: Those with Thai high school diploma need to have minimum 2.5 GPAs and those with international high school diploma must follow the criteria from https://www.mytcas.com/news/ged. In addition, the IELTS test with a minimum score of 5.0 is needed for all programs.
Q: What are the outstanding benefits of the international programs?
A: Our programs are a dual degree, which means the graduate will obtain two bachelor degrees from our university and our partner, the UK or Australia university. This grants the students an opportunity to work aboard or for a foreign company in Thailand after graduation. In addition, the total cost of our programs is lower than studying aboard for 4 years since the students stay in Thailand for the first two years.
Q: How much it costs for the program?
A: Depends on the program. Please see the curriculum page for a specification of each program.
Q: Where are most, if not all, the classes and studies taking place?
A: Most activities are being held at Prasarnmit campus, Asok, Bangkok. There are a few that the students are required to go to Ongkharak campus, in which a transportation is provided by our school.
Q: How could I ask a question for more info?
A: Please see http://inter.eng.swu.ac.th/contact-us/ as well as our Facebook page.